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Historical & Airsoft Society Gallery

Just a small collection of photos from some of the many things we have been at!
Remembrance Service 14/11/2021

Taking part in the remembrance services at Dungannon, Cookstown & Moy Cenotaphs. Remembering and honouring all those whom serviced for the future we now have.

Film & Video

Quite often we are asked to take part in help independent filming groups. These are a few photos from a documentary about Lt. Col. Blair "Paddy" Mayne.



Private Events

On many occasions we are invited attend private functions, this one was at Armagh Palace Stables with the Lord Mayor Gareth Wilson in 2018.



Live Displays 

Just one of many events where a field AID station was created for the public to come and see, to act as a visual representation of the medical service during the Great War.



Camp Life

Training is non-stop within the UHG, all units work on rotation. with many patrols coming and going, even throughout the night, checkpoints are key for perimeter security.



PT Exercises 

Some photos from our troops on the Mourne Mountains for field training. Fresh air, fitness, full kit and beautiful sights, what else could you want!?




Training is carried out on a continual basis, from open fields to dense forests, villages to abandoned structures. With the UHG, you never know where you' will end up next.


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